While in NYC each of us got to do one (or more things) that was special to that person. My husband wanted to see the diner that is in Seinfeld, my 16 year old wanted to eat his way through the city, my 13 year old wanted to shop, my 11 year old wanted to buy souvenirs, and I wanted to go to an art museum. Not surprisingly, the art museum idea got a luke-warm reaction from the kids; however, my youngest was quite enthralled afterall. She must have asked me at least five times: "you mean that Picasso (or whoever) really
TOUCHED this painting?" She couldn't believe that we could get so close to all the work.
I promised a quick tour of the Museum of Modern Art in NYC in my last post, so here we go...
Pablo Picasso, Spanish, 1881- 1973
It was fun to watch the kids look at this one and try to figure the body parts out.
Wassily Kandinsky, Russian 1886 -1944
There were four in this series in their own room. They are quite large. I was taking pictures with a flash at this point and got reprimanded. Oops. |
Paul Cezanne, French, 1839 - 1906
I don't really think of the Impressionists as Modern but in reality I guess they are the ones that started it all. Wish I knew more about art history. I loved this one. |
Vincent van Gogh, Dutch, 1853 - 1853
This one needs no introduction. It's not all that impressive from a size standpoint but the brush strokes and color are stunning. |
Claude Monet, French, 1840 - 1926
Ah, the water lilies. Stunning in their size and beauty (although I did like some of his smaller paintings better). |
Piet Mondrian, Dutch, 1872- 1944
I think he worked in this style/color palette most of his life. IMO one or two or ten might be fun but then: boring! |
Andy Warhol, American, 1928 - 1987
Famous for a lot of things, here are his soup cans. The MOMA also had his cow silk screens and a Marilyn Monroe piece. |
Jackson Pollack, American 1912- 1956
I left the person on the left in this picture on purpose. Look at the size of this!
Someone help me. Who painted this one? |
Also there were other big names like: Max Ernst, Willem de Kooning, Edouard Manet, Robert Rauschenberg, Salvadore Dali, Paul Klee, Henri Rousseau, Mark Rothko, Joan Miro, and Rene Magritte. The MOMA has Dali's melting watches piece and Andrew Wyeth's
Christina's World, as well as many, many others that you might recognize. I only noticed the work of one woman, Frida Kahlo. What a shame that more women aren't big names in world of art.
A good share of it I "didn't get" but all of it is interesting. If you ever get the chance to go there, DO.